MGI Jetvarnish 3DS professional printer
MGI Jetvarnish 3DS professional printer
MGI Jetvarnish 3DS professional printer


  • HIGH PRODUCTIVITY - With the single pass printing, the JETVARNISH 3DS is a UV spot varnish device, which offers high speed and high productivity.
  • THE DIGITAL ADVANTAGE The digitalization of the spot UV finishing allows you to take a few sheets from each job and spot UV coat it, so your customers can SEE and FEEL the effect that their jobs could have. With the JETVARNISH 3DS your customer can 3D spot UV varnish on digital prints directly. Take advantage of the specially designed varnish formula coupled with the ability to precisely vary the thickness of coating thickness on each sheet to give your digital prints an individual and special touch. The thickness of the varnish can be adapted to the needs of the customer very flexible and on demand. The MGI JETVARNISH 3DS is ideal for lucrative short- and medium printing.
  • UV INKJET TECHNOLOGY The smart combination of MGI’s exclusive inkjet technology with KONICA MINOLTAs Drop-on-Demand Piezoelectric print heads, brings you the quality you deserve, from the first page to the very last.
  • SOFTWARE SUITE INCLUDED - The JETVARNISH 3DS HubManager allows you to follow your jobs, manage your job queue, create job tickets, recall reprints and adjust your AIS Scanner in one simple and self-explaining tool. A powerful function allows you to easily export all your detailed production data for internal costs for analysis and reports. The Spot Varnish Editor is designed for editing job files on-the-fly. That gives your customer the needed flexibility to adjust and modify his print jobs on the fly and safe pure time and money. The Product Cost Analyzer can anticipates production cost to the tenth of a cent and give your customer the precise information on consumable costs are per print job even before the job has been printed.
  • AIS SmartScanner - The JETVARNISH 3DS is equipped with the AIS SmartScanner for the automated sheet to sheet registration.
  • VARNISH ON OFFSET AND DIGITAL PRINTS – With the JETVARNISH 3DS your customer can spot varnish on toner or offset prints with and without lamination. That makes the workflows of your customer so much more flexible and easier.



Don’t limit yourself to just beautifully printed jobs - It is time to bring more value and creativity to your customers. The JETVARNISH 3DS turns your printed jobs into spectacular and irresistible printouts, which will immediately gain the full attention of your customer. You can easily spot varnish all your digital prints, highlight defined areas or add 3D effects, which makes your print jobs more vivid and tactile.
The digitalization of the spot UV finishing allows you to take a few sheets from each job and spot UV coat it, producing sellable proofs so your customers can see, touch and feel effect that their jobs could have.
With the JETVARNISH 3DS as a completely digital solution you can prepare all this on demand and safe pure time and money.
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