Our culture
The more you know about us, the easier it is to decide whether Konica Minolta is the right place for you. So here’s where you can dive into the way we work together and see whether your values match ours.
A global company
Established in Japan around 150 years ago, Konica Minolta is now represented in 150 countries worldwide. In Europe, we work closely with our 30 national operating companies, implement projects together and form one big international community. Do you speak German? Great! If not, that’s not a problem. The main language spoken within the company is English and we hold our meetings in English as a matter of course.
Cultural change
We are helping our customers drive forward digital transformation all around the world. And we certainly don't rest on our laurels. We too are in the middle of cultural change and are taking an increasingly digital approach. So we aim to ‘practice what we preach’.
Of course, in a company with a 150-year history, this is not going to happen overnight. That's why you'll probably come across a few deep-rooted processes and structures that you're very welcome to challenge.
But one thing is certain: we’ll be embracing more digitalisation and more agile forms of working. Our mobile working concept is just the beginning.
Tomorrow in mind: Sustainability at Konica Minolta
Good to know: A few facts about Konica Minolta Europe
people work for Konica Minolta
in Europe – 44,000 worldwide.
years is the average age of our employees.
years of service.
This is how long our employees
stay with Konica Minolta on average.
Values that guide us around the world
We love freedom and don't like rigid rules. And we don’t want to impose them on our employees either. Our shared values help us to focus on what unites us all across countries. And guides us in of our day-to-day collaborations.